Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dome Books

We live in a society overrun with computers. Our cars have them. So do our phones. Toasters, too. We use them to chat with friends, access information, write documents, and keep track of our finances. For me, the latter has been quite a task. I'm a traditionalist (obviously, I started a website about old office supplies). With a couple basic accounting classes under my belt, my trusty HP 12C, and a Dome book, I can keep up with the best of them.

Fortunately, our business has outgrown the paper-based accounting system. While the computer accounting software is very powerful, it has its quirks. It is very easy to double enter things and often the software's "my way or the highway" approach forces you to input data a certain way.

At Office Graveyard, we sell a ton of Dome books. Why? Because, people want to do their books on their terms. No expensive software, hardware crashes, or reeducation needed. Simple line by line data entry makes accounting, payroll, and budgeting a breeze. The best part, Dome books are IRS approved and have remained virtually unchanged for over 60 years. This is what makes the Dome book a welcome member of the Office Graveyard.

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